19 Avril 2024


Our thought-provoking conferences raise awareness about and consciousness of universal themes such as improving the work environment and nurturing productivity.

Above all, these conferences are about encouraging skills acquisition through continuous interaction with the participants and an atmosphere that combines humour and intelligence.

Our most popular conferences

Managerial Courage!

Managers who can assert themselves have much to gain, regardless of the circumstances or the people they supervise… Can we say that today's managers show courage in achieving the challenges they are facing while preserving the relationship with their employees? Have we identified the aspects that inspire us to act boldly… and those that leave us feeling half-hearted? Come discover what defines managerial courage, its four facets, as well as the responsibilities to strengthen or develop in order to be recognized as a fearless manager!


Towards a healthy climate of respect

Work environment is increasingly a major factor for attracting and retaining all personnel categories. How can one contribute to this? How does one respect oneself and respect others at the same time? What’s the right way to say what’s really on one’s mind? What place do feelings have in a work situation? This conference, which deals with interpersonal skills, is for both managers and employees.

(Topics addressed: mediation, conciliation, psychological harassment, conflict resolution, team building, human resources, management, collaboration, skills acquisition, productivity, work environment)

Intergenerationality: pooling your most valuable resources

Building on the contributions of each generation is a preferred avenue for any organization committed to developing internal cooperation and increasing productivity. The current overlapping of the "Boomer", "Gen X" , "Gen Y" , "Gen C" and "Gen Z" generations provides a unique opportunity to revisit individual beliefs, push back the boundaries of adaptability, and capitalize on the benefits of complementarity.

(Topics addressed: team building, feedback, human resources, collaboration, organizational development, work environment)

The power of credibility

Everyone talks about credibility, be it personal or corporate; it is an asset that each of us manages intuitively. But do we really know how it is defined, what the principal factors or and, especially, how to manage it in order to maximize its extraordinary benefits? A useful and unforgettable consciousness-raising.

(Topics addressed: leadership, human resources, management, skills acquisition, productivity, credibility)

From boxing gloves to white gloves

One day or another, every manager or team leader encounters people who are hard to support. How far does respect for individual differences go? How to intervene appropriately, without being overly tolerant, or intolerant? This conference (which is not about administrative or disciplinary measures) presents a classification of difficult behaviours, plus five preventive management tools and six corrective management tools applicable in both the private and the public sectors.

(Topics addressed: mediation, conciliation, psychological harassment, conflict resolution, human resources, management, skills acquisition, insubordination)

What if recognition wasn’t enough?

When striving to motivate, thoughts quickly turn to recognition. How well versed are you in the rules of this art? How to move beyond the mere development of a rewards program? Discover four other motivating factors and see how, without them, recognition can remain a vain pursuit, or fall far short of the desired objective.

(Topics addressed: conciliation, team building, feedback, human resources, organizational development, skills acquisition, productivity, work environment)

Towards a healthy response to change, at work as well as in private life

In a context of accelerating changes over which we often have little or no choice, it is in all our interests to develop a healthy adaptability; but without falling into acquiescence: a six-step process with concrete solutions that we can apply to our own lives, or that can be used to guide people in a process of change. No tricks, just an appeal to our intelligence, and our hearts.

(Topics addressed: team building, human resources, skills acquisition, productivity)

Handling resistance: A path to real support

Seeking the support of one’s team members, or developing one’s own personal support for the proposed orientations are among the common concerns of any manager or team leader. Since behind the difficulties of obtaining support, there generally lies some legitimate resistance, this conference suggests a strategy for dealing with resistance, which includes six paths of intervention.

(Topics addressed: leadership, conflict resolution, human resources, management, collaboration, organizational development, productivity, work environment)

Choosing cooperation

Is cooperation an attitude, or a process that one chooses and puts in place? What are the differences between helping, contributing and cooperating? What is true cooperation based on? Why is cooperation easier for some than for others?

(Topics addressed: mediation, psychological harassment, conflict resolution, human resources, team building, management, collaboration, organizational development, work environment, coaching)

Successful partnership

How to move beyond the reality of simultaneous contributors to become real partners? How to avoid "paternalism"? This conference offers a practical definition of partnership, a survey of its main characteristics, as well as a statement of the principal structural, functional and personal conditions that encourage the development of profitable and mutually responsible relationships between associates.

(Topics addressed: mediation, leadership, conciliation, collaboration, organizational development)

Restoring authority to the workplace

For the past few decades, numerous managers have reported feeling very uncomfortable in the exercise of authority. Why is this dimension of management so disliked, even despised? Learn to distinguish between authority and authoritarianism and explore paths for reinventing or restoring honour to this essential management tool.

(Topics addressed: conciliation, leadership, conflict resolution, feedback, management, organizational development, productivity, insubordination, coaching)


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