19 Avril 2024


Managerial Courage!

Managers who can assert themselves have much to gain, regardless of the circumstances or the people they supervise… Can we say that today's managers show courage in achieving the challenges they are facing while preserving the relationship with their employees? Have we identified the aspects that inspire us to act boldly… and those that leave us feeling half-hearted? Come discover what defines managerial courage, its four facets, as well as the responsibilities to strengthen or develop in order to be recognized as a fearless manager!

Conference Objectives

By the end of this conference, participants will have:

identified the personal and professional benefits to be gained from managerial courage;

learned the definitions of self-assertiveness, respect and courage;

realized the close connection that exists between courage and self-esteem;

identified the four facets of courage;

situated assertive behaviour with respect to passive and aggressive behaviours;

identified the actions that show managerial courage!


Definitions: assertiveness, respect, courage.

Four facets of courage:
• Expressing one’s feelings.
• Holding an opinion.
• Refusing a request.
• Requesting a change.

Nine actions of a fearless manager.


All of our conferences are designed to foster significant insights and awareness. They are characterized by continuous interaction with the participants, and are conducted in a climate that allies intelligence with humour.

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